Pacific Legal Group is an international law firm based in Bangkok which has worked with clients in Thailand and the greater Mekong Region since 1992. Through a multidisciplinary approach, including pharmacists, lawyers, agricultural consultants and supporting regulatory specialists, the group provides a broad range of services relating to Thai Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and Thai Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) registration, plus general regulatory and compliance matters. In addition to the benefits of its unique multidisciplinary structure and 15-year track record in advising clients on regulatory matters, Pacific Legal Group's diversified client roster reflects a work ethic that focuses on service excellence. MORE |
Tilleke & Gibbins and
Pacific Legal Group Combine Forces |
Effective August 1, 2008, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd. (T&G) and Pacific Legal Group (Thailand) Ltd. (PLG) will merge their practices, which from that date will operate under the name of Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd.
This combination will allow T&G to expand its services to include those provided by PLG, the largest and most experienced group of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) registration and regulatory compliance specialists in Thailand. PLG has provided a comprehensive range of services since 1992 relating to Thai FDA and MOA registration and regulatory compliance matters.
With the addition of Pacific Legal Group’s pharmacists, agricultural consultants and supporting regulatory specialists to the T&G staff, our respective clients will benefit from our ability to deliver the highest quality and the most experienced FDA and MOA registration and regulatory compliance services in Thailand.
FDA - Thai Food and Drug Administration
Pacific Legal Group's pharmacists , lawyers and supporting registration personnel specialize in preparing and submitting applications to the Thai Food and Drug Administration (Thai FDA) in the following areas
MOA - Thai Ministry of Agriculture Services
The staff of Pacific Legal Group includes agricultural regulatory specialists who register plant protection products with the Department of Agriculture of the Thai Ministry of Agriculture and the comparable regulatory authorities in the Greater Mekong Region (Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar).
The pharmacists and lawyers on Pacific Legal Group's staff also orchestrate and manage all of the various steps in the regulatory process for clinical trials to facilitate interactions and negotiations with the Thai Ministry of Public Health and the Thai FDA and other regulatory authorities.
We can provide all of the supporting general corporate, commercial and related legal services which our clients require in Thailand including :
* Incorporation of limited and public companies
* Formation of partnerships and joint ventures
Our clients are the leading companies in the pharmaceutical, healthcare, food, life science, medical device, consumer, biological, animal and agri-health, cosmetic and related industries.
Established in 1992, Pacific Legal Group, Thai FDA and MOA Registration and Clinical Research and Consumer Tests Specialists, has a multi-disciplinary staff of pharmacists, lawyers, agricultural regulatory consultants and supporting regulatory specialists.